A comprehensive solution for real time surveillance, care and support for people affected/quarantined by Covid 19. This portal is a one stop platform for the public to avail emergency services and information related to Covid 19 and ensures transparency and quality in public services and welfare measures.

WHO has declared the COVID-19 epidemic affecting countries as a Pandemic. Due to the inflow of persons from affected countries, Kerala state has strengthened the surveillance and control measures against the disease and has gone forward in identifying almost all possible contacts thereby preventing spread of disease and timely health interventions to affected persons. State level, District level and Local Self Government Institution level structures have been set up in the state to ensure coordinated response to COVID 19 management. Interdepartmental coordination at district level to handle issues and spreading of information, education and communication related to COVID 19 is spearheaded by the District Administration.

Covid19jagratha is a comprehensive solution for effective daily reporting/monitoring of the quarantine and health status of the people under surveillance by Field Health Workers like PHN/JHI/Asha (Ward RRT) and provision of health service through tele consultation and referral by Medical Officers based on the reports available in the system. This portal is designed for disseminating information related to Covid 19 for public and provisions for accessing emergency services for public. This platform can be used to generate simplified daily report on welfare measures initiated by the District Administration for public who are provided with support during lock down like support to elderly people, migrant labourers, Public Distribution system. This is also a one stop platform for the public to avail emergency services and information related to Covid19 and ensures transparency and quality in public service and welfare measures. This Covid19 information and management solution is conceptualized and designed by District Administration Kozhikode engaging District NIC and IT Mission teams,

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