GST is an indirect tax levied on goods and services based on the principle of value addition. Hence, the levy of tax is based on the value added at each stage of the supply chain till the product or service reaches the ultimate consumer. In such a tax system, to negate the cascading effect of the tax, there exists a means to set of taxes paid on procurement of raw materials, consumables, plant and machinery, equipment, services, etc., that are used for the manufacturing or supply of goods and services. This element used to offset the tax liability is called input tax credit.
LEDGERS GST Software supports seamless matching and reconciliation of input tax credit at scale. The LEDGERS input tax credit reconciliation tool can sync with GST Portal through API to fetch GSTR-2A data, prepare the data for matching and reconcile with purchases data.
Purchases that are not matched with GSTR-2A data for flagged for further action like sending reminders to the supplier or updating purchase data and more.
With LEDGERS, you can be assured that your business has received all input tax credit due. A streamlined input tax credit reconciliation process will help you reduce your GST payable each month, streamline purchases and boost profitability.
Under GST, each person having a GST registration in the supply chain takes part in the process of controlling, collecting GST tax and remitting the amount collected. However, to avoid double taxation and cascading effect of tax, input tax credit is provided as a means to set off tax paid on procurement of raw materials, consumables, goods or services that was used in the manufacturing and supply and sale of goods or services. By using the input tax credit mechanism, businesses are able to achieve neutrality in the incidence of tax and ensure that such input tax element does not enter into the cost of production or cost of supply of goods and services.
Input tax credit can be claimed only by a person having GST registration and based on proper documentation and filing of GSTR-2 returns. The following documentary requirements must be satisfied by a taxpayer for claiming input tax credit.
In addition, the following conditions are also applicable for claiming input tax credit:
Under GST, input tax credit is not available in respect of the following goods or services:
List of goods and services not eligible for input tax credit under GST. Input tax credit is not available for conveyance, insurance and personal consumption.
The Central Goods and Service Tax (Amendment) Act, 2018 has been made effective from 1st February 2019 and has resulted in various changes in the utilization of input tax credit.
Procedure for claiming input tax credit refund due to inverted tax structure through the GST Portal. Inverted Tax Structure refers to a situation where the tax levied on inputs is higher than the tax levied on output supplies.
Rule 42 and 43 of the CGST rules are applicable for claim of input tax credit wherein the supply is being partly used for the purposes of business and partly for other purposes. In such cases, input tax credit cannot be claimed fully by the taxpayer and part of the input tax credit claim must be reversed.
Procedure for claiming input tax credit refund for Exports through the GST Portal. GST RFD-01A form has to be filled at GST portal by the taxpayer to claim the refund of input tax credit on exports.
Input tax credit for imports is provided for importers having GST registration. IGST and GST compensation cess is applicable on goods imported into India.
File your GST registration application online through IndiaFilings. Get help with GST registration procedure, eligibility and documents required. Entities with an annual revenue of more than Rs.20 lakhs must obtain GST registration. Complete your GST registration online in less than 5 working days.
File GST return online through IndiaFilings with GST Expert Support. You can prepare and file GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3 and GSTR-4 return online through IndiaFilings. In addition to filing GST returns, you can also issue GST invoices and record purchases on LEDGERS to automatically file GST returns.