In an effort to make the villages open defecation free and improve the lives of villagers, the Finance Minister in his budget speech in Feb 2018 announced the launch of Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme.

Currently cattle dung and a portion of agricultural waste is used as cooking fuel. However, WHO estimates about 5 lakh deaths in India alone due to indoor air pollution caused by unclean cooking fuel. Women and children suffer the most, as they spend large amounts of their time near indoor cooking hearth.

Bio-gas, the most common form of bio-fuel, is a clean form of energy and can be obtained from cattle dung, poultry droppings, crop residue, kitchen waste, etc. Gobar-Dhan shall benefit rural people in general and women in particular from this clean fuel and also through improvements on health and improvement in cleanliness in the villages. This initiative shall support biodegradable waste recovery and conversion of waste into resources. This shall provide economic and resource benefits to farmers and households and also support creating clean villages which is the objective of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin).

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