REGISTRATIONS Digital Signature Udyog Aadhaar Import Export Code FSSAI Registration Trade License Professional Tax Digital Signature A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) establishes the identity of the sender while filing or sending documents electronically through the internet. Similar to how a handwritten signature establishes the identity and/or consent of the signee in a paper document, a […]


SPECIAL ENTITIES Nidhi Company Producer Company Section 8 Company USA Company Registration Nidhi Company Basic Nidhi Company registration, 8 DSC, 3 DIN 1 RUN Name Approval, MOA, AOA incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, 50+ document formats , ICICI Bank Zero-Balance Current Account, company kit along with LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing […]


FOR FOREIGN OWNERS Indian Subsidiary Basic Incorporation of company as Indian subsidiary of foreign company including 3 DSC, 2 DIN, 1 RUN Name approval, incorporation fee, MOA, AOA, incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, GST registration, hard-copy share certificates, 50+ document formats, CITI Bank Current account, company kit and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking […]


FOR INDIAN OWNERS Proprietorship Basic Proprietorship registration with GST registration and MSME registration along with business bank account opening and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing GST returns, online payment gateway and generating GST eWay bill. Inclusive of government fee and taxes. Standard Proprietorship registration with GST registration and MSME registration […]


OVERVIEW  STARTUP SUVIDHA Entrepreneurial aspirations among youngsters are on the rise amongst the middle class in India. Technology has opened up opportunities for businesses and made managing business easier. The government of India has also come up with various schemes to encourage business owners. Hence, it is a highly rewarding time to start a business […]


COVID19JAGRATHA A comprehensive solution for real time surveillance, care and support for people affected/quarantined by Covid 19. This portal is a one stop platform for the public to avail emergency services and information related to Covid 19 and ensures transparency and quality in public services and welfare measures. WHO has declared the COVID-19 epidemic affecting […]


AGRIMACHINERY REGISTRATION REGISTERED MANUFACTURER / DEALER FARMER / ENTREPRENEUR SOCIETY/SHG/FPO SINGLE IMPLEMENT APPLICATIONS SUBSIDY APPROVED SINGLE IMPLEMENT CHC PROJECT APPLICATIONS   DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1 Aadhar card – To identify the beneficiary. 2 Passport size photo of Farmer. 3. Record of Right(RoR) of land to upload while adding land details. 4. Copy of first page of […]


SWACHHBHARAT REGISTRATION SWACHHBHARAT REGISTRATION In an effort to make the villages open defecation free and improve the lives of villagers, the Finance Minister in his budget speech in Feb 2018 announced the launch of Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme. Currently cattle dung and a portion of agricultural waste is used as cooking fuel. […]


INTER DISTRICT TRAVEL PASS Inter-District Travel Pass Kerala online e-pass: Only inter-district movement within state allowe 1. No Application/Pass is required for inter-district travel during day time. (0700 AM to 0700 PM). 2. Pass is required during the night time (7PM to 7AM) which will be given only for medical emergencies from respective police stations […]


CIVIL REGISTRATIONS – SEVANA This site provides details of all births, deaths and marriages electronically registered in Local Governments (Registration units) where SEVANA application software of Information Kerala Mission is being used uninterruptedly for registering these events. Details of births, deaths and marriages that are registered and recorded in writing will not be available in […]

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